Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 | |
RIRRA 21 | |
Représenter et inventer la réalité, du romantisme au XXIe siècle | |
IRCL | |
Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l'âge Classique et les Lumières | |
CNRS | |
Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique | |
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme -- Les Sciences Unies pour un autre Développement | |
Région Occitanie | |
Région Occitanie / Pyrénées / Méditerranée | |
UFR1 | |
Faculté des Lettres, Arts, Philosophie, Psychanalyse // Département Cinéma et Théâtre | |
UFR2 | |
Faculté de Langues et Cultures Étrangères et Régionales // Département d'études anglophones | |
CAS | |
Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès | |
University of Georgia | |
University of Georgia, USA, English Department | |
Société d'Etude et de Recherche sur le Cinéma Anglophone Founded in 1993 in France, SERCIA is a European academic society that promotes the study of cinema produced in English-speaking countries, as well as the growing number of English-language films produced elsewhere in the world. Equal attention is paid to mainstream, independent and experimental cinema, television and other audiovisual forms. We also encourage pluridisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity and welcome scholars working in aesthetics, cultural studies, film history, gender studies, musicology, reception studies and other related fields. We aim to create an atmosphere that is at once friendly and scholarly and are always happy to welcome new members. A themed conference is organized every September and is followed by the publication of a collected volume and/or peer-reviewed journal issue. Recent conferences have been held in Arras, Bologna, Brest, Paris and Växjö, and we have worked with such publishers as Bloomsbury, Corlet, McFarland, Mimesis International, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires-François Rabelais, and Routledge. The 2020 and 2021 conferences will be held in Zaragoza and Clermont-Ferrand. SERCIA also has a peer-reviewed e-journal called Film Journal, which welcomes submissions by non-SERCIA members. | |
Société Française Shakespeare | |
A non-profit association founded in 1975, the French Shakespeare Society (SFS) promotes the study of works by Shakespeare and other authors from the Tudor / Stuart period in the literary, political and social context of Renaissance Europe. SFS members are academics, students, writers, theater professionals and Shakespeare lovers of all nationalities who share the same desire to learn and discuss during annual thematic conferences, the proceedings of which have been published regularly since 1979. |